Thursday, July 17, 2008


Ayight, first and foremost, I am a geek. Allow me to explain...

1) I just used the word "ayight" in my intro...

2) I want to be a vampire. Mmmkay, maybe not, but as you can see, my blog site is adorned with various Twilight pictures and blinking signs. Aaaand here's another...

Woo! Not much longer until the 4th book of the series is released on August 2nd! I discovered these books over Memorial Day weekend this year when I stayed with Keela Collins. She was telling me about them and I thought they sounded, well, stupid. BUT, I was going to be sitting in an airport for an hour and a half and my flight was just as long, so I decided to give it the 'ol college try. Four days later, I was finished with all 3 books and was a zombie at work. I have since read them 2 more times, along with 16 other books trying to distract myself until August 2nd...maybe I shouldn't share this story...

3) I am so pumped for The Dark Knight. I am, as we speak (me and the mouse in my pocket), watching Batman Begins. Christian Bale is not hot...I have a habit of saying the opposite of what I really mean sometimes...

4) I ate cookies for breakfast and Cold Stone Creamery for lunch. Those of you who know about Cold Stone can is my favorite flavor:

Yum. Mix coconut and graham cracker in it.

Needless to say I have problems. The ladies I work with keep telling me it's going to catch up with me someday, but until then...

5) I went rollerblading the other day on some trails by my house that are super-sweet, and, well, I haven't been rollerblading for about 3 or 4 years...and even when I did rollerblade, I was never very good at stopping. The first 3 miles, I rollerbladed south...apparently it was mostly uphill. On the way back, I was flying. And I couldn't stop. And there was a bridge that curved to the left ahead of me. And I almost died. I flung myself onto the rails on the bridge and gave myself a nice bridge hickey all the way across my forearm. I started laughing and looked's almost more embarrassing when no one is there to laugh at me. Hee.

K, I think I have sufficiently illustrated the fact that I am a geek. Time for more Batman. Oh yeah, and will someone explain how to post images? I'm a spazz and just spent like, 20 minutes trying to center them.


Teri said...

I always knew you were kinda geeky, but after reading this, ...well, let's just say I am amazed! hehe
We need to get on Live and play some Guitar Hero together. ...Ok, I guess we're both geeks.

Greg Becky said...

Fifteen more days!!! I can't wait. I was able to distract myself until I read your blog. Seriously, you are not a good influence. J/K.

Renae and Keith said...

So I started the book and lets just say thus far, I am not as excited as you about it. Second of all, I can't wait till I come. Its going to be so much fun to hang with you and Ter and just be a bunch of spazes. Lots of pics will be taken to capture all the embarassing moments!

Kalli Ko said...

you are a geek... embrace it.

Lauren said...

I am so excited for Breaking Dawn, too. Joseph even caved and read the books. He liked them, too. :) Glad that you started a blog. It will be fun to keep up with you guys. Tell James hi!

Scott & Tami said...

You are already addicted to blogging...look at you goin' off on those books...I've never read them so I don't really understand, but it seems like EVERYONE LOVES them. You are too cute. Try just uploading one photo at a me if you have troubles!

Nick & Lindi said...

Hey Dana... I just started reading Twilight and I LOVE IT!! In fact, I stole your "Twilight Addict" sign and put it on our blog too! :)

nina said...

Okay, so I have officially just started the Twilight series, thanks to you, we'll see if it deserves all the praise that you give it :)