Friday, October 10, 2008

Buyer's Remorse...

So there I was, walking down the mall a few weeks ago, when some foreign guy with a straightener lured me into his, kiosk.  Normally, I walk by without giving in, but apparently I was feeling...well, a lot like this:
Soooo, he began to tell me the wonders of the fancy pink straightener in hand, when I decided I was sure I already had one just like it.  "Oh, I have one of those.  It's a Corioliss, right?"  To which his response consisted of statements like, "Oh, no.  This one is way better.  It is from Italy and blah blah blah..."  (Imagine it in an italian accent, so it seemed like he was telling the truth...)  Anyway, he convinced the poor sucker (that would be me) to let him do ONE curl (yes, that's of the many things this STRAIGHTENER could do...)  So I gave in and let him do one, two, then eventually my whole head.  15 minutes tops, he said.  
During this time, people were walking by and admiring his work, which was my curly head, and oooing and ahhhing over my lovely curls.  I decided then and there:  I MUST have this straightener/curler.  Two in one, right?  AND, get this, originally it was $250, but TODAY, it was a mere $150.  Plus a 2 year warranty when normally it's only 6 months.  I had been thinking I needed a new straightener anyway...yada yada yada...Plus, at the end he threw in some extra hair stuff so I got a screamin' deal.

30 minutes later...

I pull out my old straightener and *Gasp* not only is it pink, it's exactly the same besides the name on it.  It looked like they just changed the name of the original straightener.  Here is the monologue that took place inside my head:

Frick.  Well, I can take it back...let me see the receipt...double frick!  Non-refundable.  Well, I can just sell it on ebay...should be able to get most of the money back...WTF?  $30???  That's how much it's going for?  (inaudible scream)

K, so allow me to elaborate...Not only was it non-refundable, but on Amazon AND Ebay it was being sold for no, not $150, but $30.  I could have bought 5 of them.  FIVE.  I had already decided I was not going to tell James, but when I started ripping his face off for no apparent reason, I decided to tell him exactly how stupid I was.  Yeah, he wasn't real happy.

Following day...

I gave in and decided to use the "new and improved" pink thing.  Hmmm, I know he got it to curl when HE used it...apparently there has to be some 3 month course on exactly how a curl is made using a straightener because for the life of me, I can't seem to make it work.  Triple frick.


Carrie said...

Yeah, I would be a little ticked off. That just confirms why I don't talk to those people. So sorry that happened to you.

Scott & Tami said...

That is freakin' hilarious!! I see that guy every time I go to the mall. I'll have to watch him make the curls...see how he really does it. Bummer girl!!! Wanna play hoops this winter?

Greg Becky said...

Oh, I am so sorry Dana. I got stopped last time I was in Vegas and a girl pulled me in and straightened just a section of my hair over and over and oh how beautiful it was. Well a couple of days later where she had straightened my hair it was fried. Totally crispy. I was so mad and I don't let people in the middle of malls touch me anymore. Hey do you remember in middle school when I fried my bangs and they turned orange.

Bagleys said...

Umm that is seriously the funniest thing I've heard all week. I just love it! Lol. Yeah, just stick to the stuff ya got, Dana. NEW and IMPROVED usually is a big, fat SCAM! Haha. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Ha! NOT funny! Don't you know by now that you can ALWAYS get it cheaper on Ebay? However I do remember the first time KB and I were at Shannon's and we ALL got sucked in by the foreign guy in the mall selling us the most fabulous stuff for our hands and nails. We all fell for it HARD! I still have the stuff underneath the sink in our bathroom:) We didn't pay near that much though. Mom

Renae and Keith said...

Why the heck r you so dang funny! I laughed my face off.

Anonymous said...

You're frickin' hilarious, Dana! Seriously read it out loud to Mom...who's read it a ton...and she about peed herself. Brian is going to love it! Way to be gullible!


Trevor & Andrea said...

that was the funniest thing i have read in awhile! haha