Sunday, November 9, 2008

Beet Red...

When I was younger, I used to turn beet red at the slightest embarrassment. Not so much anymore. In fact, it hardly ever happens (okay, maybe still more often than most, but comparatively speaking...) I just don't really care anymore. However, a few weeks ago I felt like I was 12 again...

KB, Devan, James and I met in Fort Collins to go shopping. I was still kind of looking around at Halloween costumes so we wandered into Hot Topic in the mall. Mmmmkay, so I'm still kind of a Twilight freak, right? So imagine my extreme giddiness when I came across this...
Naturally, I bought it, as you can see. When I brought it up to the register, there were 2 gothic-looking guys working there (imagine that - gothic, in Hot Topic???) Anyway, so I set the shirt down and one guy says "Geek." I start laughing. Because believe me...I KNOW, right? Then he's like, "Here, you have to get a geeky pin if you're a true Twilighter." To which my response was something like, "Well, I must not be a true Twilight fan because I'm not getting a pin," followed by my lame laughing again.

Goth 1 or 2, can't remember: "Oh Edward! He's so hot!" (in a girly voice, mind you)
Me: hahah
Goths: "He's such a dreamy vampire," blah blah blah, on and on they mock me.
Me, in an attempt to joke around: "I love Edward!" hee
Goths: silence...
Me, trying to take focus off my beet red face: "Kara Beth, you have to get a t-shirt if you want to be as cool as me..." (fading away, because KB is not paying attention to me. I'm all alone.)
Goths: silence

Finally, the torture is over and I make a beeline for the door. Kara Beth turns to me and says, "your face is all red." At which point I berate her for not coming to my rescue from the mean goth boys. We laugh our faces off for good 20 minutes.

K, for one, yes, I realize these books are Young Adult novels. Yes, I know I'm 26. Yes, I know I am a dork for buying a t-shirt, but that was the point. So I am not so sure why I was feeling so vulnerable to the relentless taunting that took place that day, but I can assure you that my face was a shade shy of a tomato. I am so glad I'm not a teenager anymore, because it was brutal feeling that insecure again...oh, and don't you worry, I wear that shirt all the time, and will be wearing it to the movie that is coming out 11/21/08!!! Woo!


Bagleys said...

Pahhahaa!!! That was the funniest thing ever! And don't worry, I would've bought that dang shirt if Devan would've let me!! Lol, but yeah, I laughed pretty dang hard when the Metallica look-alikes gave you crap! SO FUNNY!

Teri said...

WOW...You really are a dork. Hahaha
I would've bee-lined it to the door the minute you decided to buy the shirt cause I would've been so embarrassed. Hahaha. You make me laugh. :)

Kalli Ko said...


only fat 15 year old girls who hate their parents shop at hot topic and you are neither of those so what were you doing in that store in the first place?

i still love you though.

nina said...

That's okay Dana, I'm a twilight nerd too. And I turn ready easily as well. It makes it even worse when you realize your turning red, then you turn even more red, just thinking about it.

Greg Becky said...

I checked out KB's blog and saw your halloween costume. I knew it. I was not surprised on bit that you were a vampire. You're so funny!

The Leithead Family said... must post more! Every time I read something on your blog I almost pee my pants!! You have a gift for telling funny stories. Anyways, if it makes you feel any better, I am ALSO a twilight geek. While I was waiting in line at Barnes & Noble for Breaking Dawn i was secretly jealous of the people wearing the twilight t-shirts!!