Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ramblings of a delirious lass...

A few things I've learned  or observations made in the last couple of days...

- Is it me, or should this blog be entitled, The Adventures of D?
- Never try to cook pancakes and do laundry at the same time.  One will invariably forget about the pancake and then be left with something resembling...well, a burnt pancake.
- If the post-office man asks how one wants to send a package, one should tell him "the cheapest way possible," and never "it doesn't matter." If one fails to do so, post-office man may think he's funny and charge $24 to send overnight and then insist that one said "it didn't matter."  Not funny.  
- If a pop can was left overnight in vehicle during freezing temperatures, do not attempt, I repeat, do not attempt to open can and drink it, especially while still in car.  One cannot suck up the massive quantities quickly enough during the explosion.
- If one values the hairstyle one has on one's own head, one must not exit the safety of one's vehicle under ANY circumstances in Casper, WY.
- Do not put red highlights in hairdo.  It looks like crap.
- While standing at the front of the store in Borders on cellphone, one must not yell at person with whom one is speaking to on said cell phone for 10 minutes.  This will most likely cause a feeling of unease in the people, well, in the entire store.  (This was an observation, mind you.)
- Wash car more often, especially once one finds out true color of car is not, indeed, brown, but pearly white.
- If someone says, "Hi," the correct response is NOT "Good, how are you?"  One will look like a moron.
- One must not buy a box of Gushers at grocery store when one knows the entire box will be eaten in one sitting.  One must not attempt to believe the voices that say one has self-control.
- One must not fall asleep on couch at 10:00 and then get up at 11:30 to take a shower.  One will not be able to sleep and will find oneself writing delirious blogs at 1:30 in the morning...


Travis & Alisa said...

You are too funny! I am glad you posted a comment on our blog so that I could find yours! Hope you guys had a happy holidays!

Em said...

This post cracks me up, you are so funny!

Brittany H. said...

Ha ha! Oh, and Gushers RULE.

Kalli Ko said...

I HATE CASPER!!!!!! It is the armpit of the earth, right next to Rawlins, which is the butt hole of the earth. can i say butt hole?

done the pop can thing

done the red highlights

done the whole box of gushers...

done the awkward greeting of answering before the question is asked

and i washed my car today and found out it's gray! whoo hoo!!

turns out we're quite similar

so maybe that's why we're friends

merry late christmas friend, I miss you

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha!! I think you have too much time on your hands:) And that is precisely the reason why I stay up until midnight when your father works from midnight until 8 a.m. If I go sleep for a couple of hours before he gets up, then it's lights "on" instead of "out" for the rest of the night for me!

Renae and Keith said...

Kalli! Greybull is the armpit hahaha! Dana, thank you for clearning some things up for me! I was beginning to lose sleep hahaha

The Leithead Family said...

Another hilarious post that ALMOST made me pee my pants.

Ben and Jen McDowell said...

I love It!!